Your message here: Saw this on the internet -- a revamp of the original ...and the Women Who Love Them e.p. art for a poster for the 2001 "Special Addition" re-issue compilation. (A good idea and solid plan at the time, but also something that introduced a lot of confusion into...See more

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Mike shares this relic... back in the '90s, your typical punk band had "work shirts" as a merch item. They were very cheap to produce and people liked them a lot for about two years. This one had the MTX Songs about Girls logo on the back. #merch #throwingyoubackforthursday #minds

More from Dr Frank

Mike shares this relic... back in the '90s, your typical punk band had "work shirts" as a merch item. They were very cheap to produce and people liked them a lot for about two years. This one had the MTX Songs about Girls logo on the back. #merch #throwingyoubackforthursday #minds