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Néotl EmpireJan 9, 2020, 5:35:07 AM

The 2D Top Down Shooter Template has finally updated to version 2! Multiplayer is finally here folks and we improved the singleplayer as well!



- Game Instance has been tweaked.

- Frontend menu has been modified and tweaked.

- Weapon pickups now have display messages attached.

- Disply mesages now rotate in place of camera rotation, instead of local pawn's base/control rotation.

- NPC AI has been tweaked and somewhat improved.

- Bot AI have been created.

- Demo map replaced with two maps: SP-Demo, and MP-Demo.

- Online network replication is here!

- HUD has been updated and improved.

- Minimap is now fully functional.

- Pause menus created and functional.

- Journal interface created for campaign mode.

- Game save system created for singleplayer.

- Proper profile save system created.

- Sniper rifle now supports a larger aim view. (Right click to zoom out).

- Items play a live respawn timer when picked up.


- AI behavior is not completely polished.

- AI are sometimes too aggressive, closing into targets instead of spreading out and dodging attacks or taking cover.

- The skills attributes require more tweaking and programming.

- Capture The flag: The flag may glitch during online play (replication issue).