
Nano Telcoms is a black owned and managed last mile telecoms and broadband services provider focused at delivering quadruple play services primarily to homes and community (Neighbourhood Networks and Services). Nano Telcoms is focused on the total communication and technology that serve neighbourhoods. The services scale from @home quadruple play broadband solutions (data, voice, video and e-commerce) as well as neighbourhood services ranging from WI-FI access in community parks, retail malls, schools, neighbourhood security (CCTV services), enabling automated water and electricity management, and business parks within the community and ICT Hubs. Contact Us E: [email protected] W: Members of Minds South Africa
♦Blockchain™ ethusiast ♦Cryptocurrency & mining ♦Offers mining service ♦BTC/ETH/LIT/ZIT
Red Nation is a channel dedicated to sharing the latest news making stories from the Economic Freedom Fighters, the latest events, press releases, videos and opportunities within the party. ------| Website |------
WiredMinds is a platform for tech based companies from South Africa. The platform will be sharing the latest developments and products on offer from members of WiredMinds. -------- Member of Minds South Africa ------- --|- My Recommended channels -|-- @horrorfridays @Censorshipsucks @Aragmar @WalrusMallone @Viewmax @animalforum @rodfather @Mister_Brushface @RAGEPRO @4Startups
We are a digital media and consultancy firm based in Johannesburg. We specialize in corporate identity development, branding, graphic design, website development and online presence management. Website - Email - [email protected] Mobile - +27 61 463 8048 -------- Member of Minds South Africa -------
AfrikanDivine is a platform for all Afrikans, all over world to share insight about their Afrikan Spiritual journey's. We are Creator's. God's and Goddesses. Choosing to commence your Afrikan Spiritual journey today means you have taken a step towards your Afrikan that form...I Am, You Are...Invincible!
community activist
Find South African business. List your business today with our directory. Discover and promote businesses for free in your area with Pen To Point's user-friendly business directory in South Africa. With the ability to find and list it on our platform, you can connect with potential customers and grow your business. If you want your business to be found, you need to be where your customers are searching, and that's an increasingly online search. On the Pen To Point Bussiness Directory, your business details are available 24/7, allowing your customers to find you anywhere and anytime. Pen To Point makes it easier for your business to be found by potential customers searching online. Your business gets an online listing that includes your contact details, an interactive map, information about your products and services, images, timing, any special offer & event, and even ratings and reviews from your customers. Pen To Point Website is a localized website you'll find relevant information and services specific to the country. Email: [email protected] Website:
Jan 2020
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