de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 80 Title : Combatting Jewish Bankster Control of the Gender Politicians Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer suggests how the Jewish banksters who (very probably) bribed the gender politicians to pass massively unjust divorce legislation against men, can be removed.

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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 79 Title : Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s? Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer expresses my suspicion that Jewish banksters were indirectly responsible for the creation of the misandrist divorce laws of the 70s that have ruined the lives of tens of millions of US divorced fathers.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 78 Title : Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer wonders what will happen to the twaytweffing lifestyle after the gender laws have been made menfair. Will it die out? I doubt it, so the population will continue to fall, forcing the gender politicians to adopt other measures to increase the birth rate.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 77 Title : Giving MGTOW-Masculist Talks at High Schools Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer argues that the “fluffie crapper” problem needs to be solved by educating high school young men not to marry and have kids, and by educating high school young women to be FIPs if they want at least to have a (twaytwef) relationship with a man.

More from profhugodegaris


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 79 Title : Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s? Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer expresses my suspicion that Jewish banksters were indirectly responsible for the creation of the misandrist divorce laws of the 70s that have ruined the lives of tens of millions of US divorced fathers.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 78 Title : Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer wonders what will happen to the twaytweffing lifestyle after the gender laws have been made menfair. Will it die out? I doubt it, so the population will continue to fall, forcing the gender politicians to adopt other measures to increase the birth rate.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 77 Title : Giving MGTOW-Masculist Talks at High Schools Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer argues that the “fluffie crapper” problem needs to be solved by educating high school young men not to marry and have kids, and by educating high school young women to be FIPs if they want at least to have a (twaytwef) relationship with a man.