de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 41 Title : The FIPping of Females Will Not Be Enough Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer explains that having most women being FIPs will not solve all men’s gender issues. FIP women are still women, so will judge men’s sexual attractiveness by male wealth, but MGTOWs and masculists are choosing to spend much less on women, so women will be forced to change their sexual attractiveness criteria towards men.

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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 40 Title : After the Gender Dust Settles Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer paints a picture of society after the MGTOWs/masculists feel that they have gotten what they wanted from society, where women accept that men outperform women, that the genii are males, and women accept that men should have equal rights with women


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 39 Title : Women’s Growing Inferiority Complex Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer considers the idea that there will be such massive negative opinion of women’s immorality and women’s inferior performance abilities, coming from men in the next decade or two, that women will develop a severe inferiority complex.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 38 Title : The Evolution of Female Nagging Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer theorizes on how women evolved their nagging of men, and how in today’s twaytweffing world, a nagging female will probably end up living alone.

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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 40 Title : After the Gender Dust Settles Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer paints a picture of society after the MGTOWs/masculists feel that they have gotten what they wanted from society, where women accept that men outperform women, that the genii are males, and women accept that men should have equal rights with women


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 39 Title : Women’s Growing Inferiority Complex Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer considers the idea that there will be such massive negative opinion of women’s immorality and women’s inferior performance abilities, coming from men in the next decade or two, that women will develop a severe inferiority complex.


de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers Flyer No. 38 Title : The Evolution of Female Nagging Text URL : All Flyers URL : Descr : This flyer theorizes on how women evolved their nagging of men, and how in today’s twaytweffing world, a nagging female will probably end up living alone.