  • verified_user

They pay people to go to schools and corporations and even in the military to belittle white people for being privileged. How sick is that. You are what you are born. Be proud of it. You don’t need a counselor to tell you your privileged. Be proud of whatever you are and screw anyone who wants to brain wash you.

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The Scum behind all the countries discontent right now is Barry ( what ever the F#@k his last name is) and he takes his orders from George Soros, the guy who bribes every democrat on Capitol Hill to be a$$holes and cheats. This is not a accident, this is all a planned out Coupé...See more

The look of the average democratic university student. Must make them proud.

Save us the ammo sweet Jesus our lord.

More from Desiree4freedom

The Scum behind all the countries discontent right now is Barry ( what ever the F#@k his last name is) and he takes his orders from George Soros, the guy who bribes every democrat on Capitol Hill to be a$$holes and cheats. This is not a accident, this is all a planned out Coupé...See more

The look of the average democratic university student. Must make them proud.

Save us the ammo sweet Jesus our lord.