I think this is one of the main problems with this Covid-1984, they will never admit that they have been fooled.... As with many things, EGO stands in the way

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Inform yourself and get ready...

As long as we won’t go straight towards the root of of problem we will be controlled, manipulated and played like the puppets we are STOP being puppets https://www.bitchute.com/video/xUSM0tnUQxAT/

‪New Zealand will be the first ‬ ‪example of the fascistic ‬ ‪COVID New World Order ‬ ‪This is coming to all western countries ‪https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-17-mandatory-quarantine-camps-new-zealand.html

More from The Daily Lama

Inform yourself and get ready...

As long as we won’t go straight towards the root of of problem we will be controlled, manipulated and played like the puppets we are STOP being puppets https://www.bitchute.com/video/xUSM0tnUQxAT/

‪New Zealand will be the first ‬ ‪example of the fascistic ‬ ‪COVID New World Order ‬ ‪This is coming to all western countries ‪https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-17-mandatory-quarantine-camps-new-zealand.html