‪New Zealand will be the first ‬ ‪example of the fascistic ‬ ‪COVID New World Order ‬ ‪This is coming to all western countries ‪https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-17-mandatory-quarantine-camps-new-zealand.html

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Wear a mask! Get the vaccine! Lock yourself up! Social distance! And keep paying TAX!

We don’t need to live together to work together, separations is the best solution to our political division

STOP obeying, STOP playing their game by their rules 🙏

More from The Daily Lama

Wear a mask! Get the vaccine! Lock yourself up! Social distance! And keep paying TAX!

We don’t need to live together to work together, separations is the best solution to our political division

STOP obeying, STOP playing their game by their rules 🙏