Sometimes most people keep you because of what they're getting from you, once that benefit is taken away from them you become like trash to them. Don't be too quick in forgetting someone because you're no longer getting support from him/her.

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Don't seek revenge over those that hurts you, the universe has its way of fighting your course. Leave the revenge you seek to the universal forces of nature, for surely the evil ones will pay for their evil deeds. Have a great day..


Good morning fellas Just thought to share this helpful information On honey


Manchester are out of the Europa League competition after a 2-1 loss to sevilla Congratulations to Sevilla for such a performance 👏👏

More from Roy13


Don't seek revenge over those that hurts you, the universe has its way of fighting your course. Leave the revenge you seek to the universal forces of nature, for surely the evil ones will pay for their evil deeds. Have a great day..


Good morning fellas Just thought to share this helpful information On honey


Manchester are out of the Europa League competition after a 2-1 loss to sevilla Congratulations to Sevilla for such a performance 👏👏