From: Judy Manley August 12 · From Tucker Carlson tonight..... it's all over the internet

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Seems like proof to me that the Left simply believes the lies they are told without ever questioning...You could tell them anything, just so long as it goes against "Orange Man Bad"... "It turns out many college students love President Trump's policies when they are told the policies belong to presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden. One America's James Laroza has more on that story."

From: Christina Houser 2d "the attacks on kamala harris are whorible…"

More from Yotivationnation

Seems like proof to me that the Left simply believes the lies they are told without ever questioning...You could tell them anything, just so long as it goes against "Orange Man Bad"... "It turns out many college students love President Trump's policies when they are told the policies belong to presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden. One America's James Laroza has more on that story."

From: Christina Houser 2d "the attacks on kamala harris are whorible…"