If price stability is why the Federal Reserve regulates the money supply, why is there no longer any correlation between the money supply and core inflation? The Fed is either lying or incompetent. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/fredgraph.png?g=pDCR #economy #banking #finance #EndTheFed #AuditTheFed

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Ironically, one reason Joe #Biden remains the front runner is his gaffes draw more attention than Pete Buttigieg's regular stump schtick. Mean Mayor Pete needs more air time or his candidacy is going to struggle. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2019-11-29T07+2019-12-01T07&geo=US&q=/m/012gx2,/m/0hhqg37 #politics #election2020 #Democrats

More from A Voice Of Liberty

Ironically, one reason Joe #Biden remains the front runner is his gaffes draw more attention than Pete Buttigieg's regular stump schtick. Mean Mayor Pete needs more air time or his candidacy is going to struggle. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2019-11-29T07+2019-12-01T07&geo=US&q=/m/012gx2,/m/0hhqg37 #politics #election2020 #Democrats