Anti-Jihad, fighting Islamic supremacy

Fighting the political Ideology of Islam everywhere. Islam is an extremely hateful, regressive, supremacist and profoundly fascist ideology that promotes misogyny, slavery, pedophilia, antisemitism and the murder of all who oppose it. Fighting Islam is not intolerance. It is a fight for a free society where fascist ideologies have no place. Opposing Islam has absolutely nothing to do with "racism". The most vocal opponents of Islam are ex-Muslims. And some of the most extreme supporters of Islamic Jihad are western converts. Here is what I think should have happened: instead of prosecuting people who criticize Islam, criticism should have been universal and merciless for the entire time - exactly as it is for any other religion. Museums can exhibit a Jesus figure in a bottle filled with piss and that's ok. Art, cartoons, movies etc. can mock any aspect of Christianity or any other religion - except Islam, for some reason. Why make an exception for Islam? If Muslims commit acts of violence because Islam was criticized or mocked, arrest the guilty and kick them out. If thousands of Muslims protest violently, arrest and deport them all. If Muslim countries protest, ignore them. They need western support far more than we need them. Petrol? There are now far more sources outside the Gulf region than were known in the 1970s. After they screamed and manifested for a few years, they'd realize that they just look like idiots and achieve nothing and they will calm down. The worst is that the ones pushing for censorship are on the left and far left. The exact same people who defended the right of Larry Flint to publish anti-Christian content. A friend from Pakistan told me that the western "tolerance" of Islam hat emboldened Islamic regimes and made them more oppressive.
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A handy meme if you need to explain the official ways Islam allows Muslims to lie to non-Muslims:


WTF is wrong with this pathetic Dhimmi Marxist?


"The historical facts about Mohammed have been corrupted by Utman. He was really a Christian who followed Jesus" Muslim: "But that's not true, you just made that up" "Oh really? But aren't you doing just that with Jesus and the Bible?"


Ran into some French Muslims who DENIED that Islam reacts violently to criticism. Had to remind them not just of their violent verses, but also the violent acts committed by Muslims, CELEBRATED by other Muslims! The guy from Chechnya who beheaded a French teacher for showing...See more


Regarding Jamal Kashoggi, the Saudi journalist - or rather propagandist of Jihad: As I mentioned here: The new king started transforming Saudi Arabia in 2017, following Trump's...See more


No Abayas? No niqabs? 🤔🤔🤔 Apparently, the new king is serious about transforming Saudi Arabia. The change began after Trump's visit in 2017, a fact the media systematically...See more


Tiny wiener confirmed These are the exact same people as Hamas 😡


The DHIMMI mindset will be our end! In the UK, the cops hired FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS and did not even listen to a woman who is also a practicing Muslim who objected to her colleague's extremist views:

Fighting the political Ideology of Islam everywhere. Islam is an extremely hateful, regressive, supremacist and profoundly fascist ideology that promotes misogyny, slavery, pedophilia, antisemitism and the murder of all who oppose it. Fighting Islam is not intolerance. It is a fight for a free society where fascist ideologies have no place. Opposing Islam has absolutely nothing to do with "racism". The most vocal opponents of Islam are ex-Muslims. And some of the most extreme supporters of Islamic Jihad are western converts. Here is what I think should have happened: instead of prosecuting people who criticize Islam, criticism should have been universal and merciless for the entire time - exactly as it is for any other religion. Museums can exhibit a Jesus figure in a bottle filled with piss and that's ok. Art, cartoons, movies etc. can mock any aspect of Christianity or any other religion - except Islam, for some reason. Why make an exception for Islam? If Muslims commit acts of violence because Islam was criticized or mocked, arrest the guilty and kick them out. If thousands of Muslims protest violently, arrest and deport them all. If Muslim countries protest, ignore them. They need western support far more than we need them. Petrol? There are now far more sources outside the Gulf region than were known in the 1970s. After they screamed and manifested for a few years, they'd realize that they just look like idiots and achieve nothing and they will calm down. The worst is that the ones pushing for censorship are on the left and far left. The exact same people who defended the right of Larry Flint to publish anti-Christian content. A friend from Pakistan told me that the western "tolerance" of Islam hat emboldened Islamic regimes and made them more oppressive.