
My Nintendo Switch Gaming Channel. Walkthroughs, Let's Plays, Video Guides for Nintendo Switch Games.
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Second Video is up!! Sorry the Audio Quality still isn't fixed. I am working on it so please bear with me. Thank you. #SwitchKriz #NintendoSwitch #FinalFantasyXIITheZodiacAge #FFXIITZA Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (Nintendo Switch) 2: Collecting our Bounty - Making a Sunstone https://youtu.be/Zv0JC23gTcU Switch-Kriz Minds Gaming Group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1139466691377139712/feed


As promised here is my first Video!! I hope you like it and I am really sorry about the Audio Quality... I Researched and worked really hard to try to get the Audio right, (which is why it took so long to make this Vid,) and yet it still doesn't seem to be right. But I'll keep trying and working on it and hopefully get better. :) #SwitchKriz #NintendoSwitch #FinalFantasyXIITheZodiacAge #FFXIITZA Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (Nintendo Switch) #1: Prologue - 1st Hunt Rogue Tomato https://youtu.be/rgZ4Sl9NLeA


#SwitchKriz #NintendoSwitch #VideoGuides #Walkthroughs #CoolStuff Shalom Friendos!! I have my new Nintendo Switch Gaming Channel Page Created and hope you guys will Like it. Its called, "Switch-Kriz." I will be doing Video Guides like Walkthroughs for Nintendo Switch Games and stuff. Oh, and the first Game I will be covering is, of course, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age!! So please be sure to check us out!! Thank you. https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1139466691377139712/feed

My Nintendo Switch Gaming Channel. Walkthroughs, Let's Plays, Video Guides for Nintendo Switch Games.