
Men's little Brothers
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Ay, karrrramba 😍 That's a reaction when someone calls you pretty 🐶 😁


#Yorkie 💓 Hair salons are closed due to Plandemic 😲


Despite their mischievous nature, Ravens are capable of feelings and empathy. They mate for LIFE and live in pairs in a fixed territory. They call to inform their mate to join them when food is found. A pesar de su naturaleza traviesa, los Cuervos son capaces de sentir y empatía. Se aparean por vida y viven en parejas en un territorio fijo. Несмотря на свою запятнанную репутацию, вороны способны на чувства и сочувствие. Они спариваются (сочетаются браком) на ВСЮ жизнь и живут парами на фиксированной территории.


Wild mustangs

Wild mustangs in Prairie 🐎 🐎 🐎 🐎 🐎


Friends come in ALL shapes, sizes and colors 💕


Meanwhile in Russia 🐺



I know you've been hurt By someone else... But here's what I'll do, I'll take care of you!


A Single Friend can be my world

“A SINGLE Rose can be my garden … a SINGLE Friend – my world.” ~ Leo Buscaglia “Una sola rosa puede ser mi jardín ... una sola amiga – mi mundo." ~ Leo Buscaglia «ЕДИНСТВЕННАЯ Роза может быть моим садом … ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ Друг – мой мир». ~ Леo Бускалия


🐺 LOBO 🐺

Wolf in the Celtic culture The Wolf was a sacred animal to the ancients Celts. They were not seen as threatening hunters, but rather as powerful helpers and guides. Wolves were an image of the positive transformation. Celtic mythology connects the Wolf with the Moon. Wolf's...See more



5 facts about Alpacas and their wool 1) Alpaca wool occurs in nature in as many as 16 unique colors: from a bright white, to a light pink, as well as a deep black. Between these official shades, some 200 more hues can then be distinguished. 2) Alpacas have soft pads under their...See more

Men's little Brothers