
“Those who DON'T know history are destined to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke (1729-1797), British Statesman and Philosopher 'Those who cannot remember the past are CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT.' ~ Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, known as George Santayana 'Those who REWRITE history attempt to HIDE OWN disgrace!' ~ Vladimir Putin, speaking at the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz’ liberation The term "jew" wasn't invented until the 18th century. #Wars #hitler #Germany #Spain #SecretSocieties Classical Histories for History Lovers and Homeschoolers https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php #churchill #slavery
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#Spain MY ANCESTOR Don Pelayo Pelayo o Pelagio, Pelagius en latín y Belai al-Rumi en árabe (f. Cangas de Onís, 737) es considerado el primer monarca del reino de Asturias, que rigió durante 19 años. Su origen aún sigue siendo controvertido, aunque en la actualidad la mayor...See more


@wurtderfurk Did you read about the Khatyn (or Chatyń) MASSACRE??? Khatyn or Chatyń (Belarusian and Russian: Хаты́нь, pronounced [xɐˈtɨnʲ]) was a village of 26 houses and 156 inhabitants in Belarus, in Lahoysk Raion, Minsk Region, 50 km away from Minsk. On 22 March 1943,...See more


Why Latin died and Greek Survived Почему Латынь умерла, а Греческий язык сохранился Почему Латынь стала мертвым языком, а Греческий язык сохранился до сих пор? Общение на Греческом, ставшем языком Восточной Римской Империи, никогда не прекращалось. Латынь, или же латинский язык,...See more


Chronology of Historical Connections


Secret Societies



Project Bluebird Project Bluebeam Project Artichoke MK-Ulira MK-Naomi Project Monarch Operation Chaos Operation Gladio Operation Mockingbird Operation Paperciip Operation Northwoods Operation Ranch Hand Operation Popeye (Doomsday Project) Cointelpra Operation...See more


Five days Russian-Georgian war

December 16, 2010 Georgian War Documentary -- 08/08/08 -- PROOF that NATO invaded Ossetia! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgP7fYhJI1g August 15, 2008 This is a segment from the Fox News, which perfectly shows how the events were broadcast in the American media....See more


History of Latvia

Зачем Латвии портить отношения с Россией? Исторический разбор от Алексея Пилько https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdUMqnaevME


Первый и последний король Литвы - Миндовг (Redroom) Несмотря на общепризнанный статус основателя литовской государственности, Миндовга очень долго предпочитали лишний раз не вспоминать. А большая часть последующих правителей Литвы искала корни своей легитимности в любых возможных...See more


Atomic bombing of Japan was not necessary to end WWII. US gov’t documents admit it US government documents admit the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary to end WWII. Japan was on the verge of surrendering. The nuclear attack was the first strike in...See more


Таджики и узбеки: кто они? (история Бухары/Хивы/Коканда) История двух из пяти основных народов Центральной Азии: таджиках и узбеках и соответственно возникновению современных Таджикистана и Узбекистана. История Хивинского, Бухарского и Кокандского ханств. Кaк возникали...See more

“Those who DON'T know history are destined to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke (1729-1797), British Statesman and Philosopher 'Those who cannot remember the past are CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT.' ~ Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, known as George Santayana 'Those who REWRITE history attempt to HIDE OWN disgrace!' ~ Vladimir Putin, speaking at the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz’ liberation The term "jew" wasn't invented until the 18th century. #Wars #hitler #Germany #Spain #SecretSocieties Classical Histories for History Lovers and Homeschoolers https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php #churchill #slavery