The Star Shatterers

This is a fan group for all current and future fans of the Starshatter Universe! Comment, ask questions of the author about your favorite characters and tech. Details and cool sneak peaks, snippets from future Starshatter books and much more!
Type: All
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Something Awesome this way comes 🐹

Yes, my fellow Starshatter crewmates! You, brave soldiers of the Colonial Militia and Navy, finally your kiddos can roll out and laser the baddies in style! We have shirts, we have hoodies, bags, stickers, mugs, megasteel cups, and PDA (I know we don't have them yet, but let us...See more

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· Note: I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and published it for the first time today, the 17th of May, 2024. There is so much fear porn out there projection the imagines of doom and gloom and that we are powerless when in reality those who seek world control will and can never succeed. It has never been done in the history of civilization and never will.

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· Note: I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry yesterday and published it for the first time today, the 13th of April, 2024. We live in a time in which most have lost both the fight and the fire of both of these hearts.

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· Note: I wrote these poems over a one week period and published them for the first time today, the 10th of April, 2024. I was inspired to write these seven poems inspired by someone who made the statement that the world is broken and I thought, yes it is but we are not or at the least on the mend. If you find one of these poems that resonates the most with you, please be so kind as to reply with the number of the poem in the comment section.

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· Note: I was thinking about how far along the evil cult has progressed with their plans to enslave mankind through well planned psych ops and medical tyranny. Yet, they have chosen the weak,...See more

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· The term, Man refers to both genders as in Mankind or the family of Man. My definition of Man is a more evolved or enlightened species somewhere between man and god. I believe this is how we were once and as we shall be again. We have only forgotten our ancient history and cannot see clearly in our current distracted or fallen state and reconnect to our former and future glory.

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· Thomas Paine was an influential 18th-century writer of essays and pamphlets. During the American Revolution, Paine served as a volunteer personal assistant to General Nathanael Greene, traveling with the Continental Army. While not a natural soldier, Paine contributed to the patriot cause by inspiring the troops with his 16 "Crisis" papers, which appeared between 1776 and 1783.

This is a fan group for all current and future fans of the Starshatter Universe! Comment, ask questions of the author about your favorite characters and tech. Details and cool sneak peaks, snippets from future Starshatter books and much more!