Quantum allows the mind to expand into all aspects, known and unknown. From stardust we come and shall return but in the meantime our cosmic power gradually awakens, allowing us to see through the veil and dissolve the fabric of this existence. As our inner vision unfolds, dormant knowledge sits waiting to be expressed from the dream into the physical realm - a world tainted with amplified suffering. While the warrior in us senses this unearthly distress our higher purpose is calling us, to shine with loving kindness on everything that co-exists and to relieve the suffering imposed upon it. Pure love is the divine frequency that "life" responds to, embodying its natural mechanism and resonating force. For all its beauty and brutality, its essence is our most precious commodity - our fuel - bearing the infinite magic of creation. If the field is corrupted with impurity, so will its raw substance - stardust - that which we are and will always be. It is for the warrior to light up the world, to reflect pure love and serve the universe in the best possible way... Shine + Be Lucky
Type: All

Higher dimensions are already all present here, but the higher dimensions are available only through the mind, understood as the medium of consciousness, just as space is the medium of the mind - Cosmic History

(Image - ☀️ SINGING SOUL ☀️



Precious moment - Present - Source Wrapped in stardust - Cosmic force Nature chants - Humming - Calls Holding space - Embracing all Every pulse - Every seed Every flower - Lotus - Tree Echoes - Cycles - Life bestowed As above - So below Holographic - Virtual field Timeless thread - Infinity Geometric - Sonic web Quantum highway - Sacred breath Diamond mind - Perfect sight Astral wings - Eternal flight Golden heart - Dissolving fear Love - Empowered - Crystal clear ☀️ SINGING SOUL ☀️


Try Listen for 5 minutes, Your Pineal Gland Will Detox & Activate, 528Hz (Attention: very powerful!) Music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect to combat anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. They can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or sleep relaxation. SINGING SOUL

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In our rush to achieve, we lose the ability to linger. Lingering is an act of resistance against the tyranny of time. ~ Byung Chul Han [Art: Laura Makabresku ]

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“In the stillness of the Center, one finds the essence of all mysteries. It is there, in the silent heart of the world, that the secrets of existence are unveiled to the seeker.” – Manly P. Hall 1901 - 1990 “The Center is the point of equilibrium, the focus of light and the axis of the world. It is the principle of all things, where the visible and invisible meet and harmonize.” ~ Eliphas Lévi. 1810 - 1875 Johann Arnds Weiland General Superintendentens des Fürstenthums Lüneburg, Vier Bücher vom Wahren Christenthum c. 1706


"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery SINGING SOUL



Be wise - Our best friend is courage Be kind - With a fortified heart Be giving - Without condition Be mindful - In wholeness and part Be true - As choice paves the turnpike Be keen - Success honours failure Be fluid - As change affects all Be patient - As service yields...See more


Wise as Serpents - ROBERT SEPEHR The ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, a symbol of cyclical time, a continual renewal of life, death and rebirth, a widespread symbol of the "All-in-All", the totality of existence, infinity, and the...See more


“Trauma is a path to awakening, those who have experienced trauma are often psychologically 'cracked open', resulting in increased psychic sensitivities, shamanic and spiritual capacities, and perceptual changes”

Mary Mueller Shutan SINGING SOUL


Sacred Geometry & Divine Alchemy - ROBERT SEPEHR Many of histories greatest minds shared a universal secret that facilitated their genius expressions in art, engineering, and architecture. An underlying esoteric tradition that spans back through pre-history, which they applied to...See more


Eternally fluid Above and below Love dissolves into rebirth



The Dakini Code: Lotus-Born Master and the Event Horizon (Guru Rinpoche, Guru Padmasambhava)/Part-3 THE DAKINI CODE will focus on astrophysics concepts related to the dark hole and wave theory connected to concepts like dark matter. The expedition will seek to explore how ancient...See more

Quantum allows the mind to expand into all aspects, known and unknown. From stardust we come and shall return but in the meantime our cosmic power gradually awakens, allowing us to see through the veil and dissolve the fabric of this existence. As our inner vision unfolds, dormant knowledge sits waiting to be expressed from the dream into the physical realm - a world tainted with amplified suffering. While the warrior in us senses this unearthly distress our higher purpose is calling us, to shine with loving kindness on everything that co-exists and to relieve the suffering imposed upon it. Pure love is the divine frequency that "life" responds to, embodying its natural mechanism and resonating force. For all its beauty and brutality, its essence is our most precious commodity - our fuel - bearing the infinite magic of creation. If the field is corrupted with impurity, so will its raw substance - stardust - that which we are and will always be. It is for the warrior to light up the world, to reflect pure love and serve the universe in the best possible way... Shine + Be Lucky