
Hope dreams betterment 🙏🏽
"Invaders of Safe-Spaces, First of their Fleet, The #Unbanned, Russia state affiliated media / #RussianBot, Most Trusted Name in #FakeNews, Queen of #SubscriptionWhores, #Dissenter and Investor / Critic of Minds, Patriarch of the Pan-Kekistani Church, Scholar of the #Kekenormiecon, Disciple of 4kun, World-renowned Owl-Scientist, Advocate for the #EastAsianMasterRace, Preferred Pronoun - Master/Mistress, IQ 10,000 (((#GermanSpellCheck er of Wannabe- Nazis))), Speaker of the #NiggerWord, Protector of Frozen Peaches, Reviewer and Incinerator of the Quran, Trigger of #NPCs, Centrist Extremist, #BlockedBySteveShives, Breaker of Newsfeeds, and Mother of Memes" 😎
artist/writer Hey :)
The Young Turks perpetrated the Ottoman Genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and Pontic Greeks. Cenk Uygur has a long history of Armenian Holocaust denial. The main aim of this channel is to educate people about Cenk's abysmal record, to get Cenk to finally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide (hopefully on or before Genocide Memorial Day the 24th April) and to put pressure on The Young Turks to change the disgraceful name of their show.
https://www.cybrink.com Technology / Science / Future
Lover of freedom. Pro-nationalist, pro-freedom, pro-trump, pro-borders, pro-bmw, pro-conservative, pro-gun, pro-capitalism, pro-constitution, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-lbgtqrxz, anti-islam, anti-diversity, anti-sjw, anti-immigration. Conservative concerned about the state of affairs in the globalist-infected, liberal-infested western world which is being overrun by migrant invaders and destroyed by a genocidal globalist plot to destroy western society.
Freedom VEVO   YOUTUBE->  https://goo.gl/vvf3Mu  
Mar 2017
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