
To be ignorant is not a crime. To refuse to be other wise.... Well thats an insult every other Tuesday. Some wise person once said. What is truth? A crazy old man was asked once. What is Truth? The old man smiled sadly and said, "Once while young. I flitted about here.. and there with this question. I found no matter which door in... Oh what was it.. Oh ya(cough cough) through which I went. Seeking out doctor and poet and holy man. I came out through the same door I went in." What is a word?
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To be ignorant is not a crime. To refuse to be other wise.... Well thats an insult every other Tuesday. Some wise person once said. What is truth? A crazy old man was asked once. What is Truth? The old man smiled sadly and said, "Once while young. I flitted about here.. and there with this question. I found no matter which door in... Oh what was it.. Oh ya(cough cough) through which I went. Seeking out doctor and poet and holy man. I came out through the same door I went in." What is a word?