
Hi all. I've spent my life studying botany, plant secondary compounds, organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry. In 2006 I received a Ph.D. from Purdue University for Psychedelic super science. Afterwards, I resigned from academia, worked as a scientist, and eventually became the product development manager for a well known craft brewery. After leaving, I opened my own brew pub in a small town that I still operate to this day. My current interests are many but include Geology, Monetary Theory, History, Science, Politics, Esotericism, and Culinary Arts. Oh, and I worked in Virology for a bit too.
Anatomically, not politically, correct modern human. Backyard is free of gradualism....not a skerbtard.
The Valpey Clan on Minds My daughter and I co author this profile. We like to talk nerd stuff, politics and guns. We also post gaming videos, family activities and art. We are by most accounts about liberty and free speech, completely against censorship beyond calls for violence. Check out the YT channel at Valpeys Gaming and the twitch channel at Bakerthelo13110
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I like to connect with people from all around the globe, in all sectors and situations for mutual benefit of ideas , information and spreading knowledge, support and much more.
Sep 2019
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