
Comsulate services for Kekistanis (Political memes)
Don of the morning
Nick Maxwell Verified artist on many social media networks. Especially art related. Abstract Painter and 8bitPixelArt.
To believe is to not know. To believe is to pretend to know. When children pretend we call it play. When adults pretend we call it government and religion. It is a weak mind that accepts the word of another as law over them. It is a weak and dangerous mind that accepts the word of another as law over them, then applies that law to all others. And yet, is not all government, all religion, based on exactly this?
Journalist/Author Alma Mater: Saint Bonaventure University Phone: 716-479-8921 Email: [email protected] BOOK CATALOG: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HOMER SIMPSON - 2004 NO TIME FOR TEARS: TALES TO BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT TO - 2007 UP TO MY EYEBALLS IN SUNSHINE - 2013 IT WAS MY TURN: HOW I LOST AND WHY IT'S YOUR FAULT - 2017 SOMETIMES SHIT HAPPENS - 2018 THE SEXY MISADVENTURES OF FELLATIO STEVENS - 2018 THE BUCKET LIST OF PUBERT G. WILLIAMS - 2018 GET THE SENSATION - 2020 https://app.thebookpatch.com/BookStore/up-to-my-eyeballs-in-sunshine/0ccc7ee0-c765-4705-9803-97cc21dacd14
Jun 2019
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