The "Poorman Photographer". A free range human living in the Greater American Southwest. East Coast escapee, college dropout, incorrigible nonconformist. Stop by and say hi!
Posting 50% hard-hitting truth content, 25% truth memes, and 25% shitposts or generally funny memes.
What sort of "truth"? Examples:
- The pandemic is deliberately exaggerated (and was possibly created) to centralize power as part of a global communist power-grab
- Israel did 9/11
- Jewish criminal networks and propagandists are a very serious threat to politics and societies worldwide; acknowledging this is not "antisemitic"
- Racism is bad, communism is worse
- The victors of war write the history
- ...and much more!
I am a biomedical scientist and content creator who is open to learning and loves to explore. A simple girl passionate about a multitude of seemingly unconnected things.