Digital Church of Christ ✞

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 1 Corinthians 12:5 Subscribe for hourly bible verses and to help DCC become the largest church on this earth and the next.🕊️
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I am a humble follower of My Beloved King and Savior, ישוע המשיח Yeshua Ha'Mashiach; Jesus Christ! I am self taught in Yemeni and Modern Hebrew and Am currently teaching myself Greek! I am not yet fluent in Modern Hebrew but YaHWèH willing I will become better. My hope is that with the Help of Almighty God and the Blood of His Son, I pray that together with my beloved church family, we may explore the inspired text of the Bible in it's original languages. May YaHWèH Yeshua Ha'Mashiach bless you all and grant you peace and the gift of forgiveness; that is the Almighty Holy Spirit! HalleluYaH! Amen!
I'm just a dude trying to find his way in this crazy world made by Jesus.
Catholic • American • Kentuckian • Irish-Italian • Groyper
This site is not about me. For Jesus is the Way, he is Truth everlasting , and there is no eternal life outside of him. I am merely a signpost. There are many signposts out in this world today. There are some that also point to the Lord and the Truth, but beware, there are a myriad of others that are signposts that point elsewhere. There is a final destination for everyone. You will need to seek which path you decide to be on. The journey that walks with Jesus is eternal life.....the journey that ends apart from Jesus is eternal death and damnation, forever separated from God. Pray for guidance, direction and He will show you the way unto Him. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14: 6
Christian who died for 27 minutes and now everyday is brighter ! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
gentle and nice
Feb 2021
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