Baba Yaga

I RESERVE ALL RIGHTS and affirm the following to be true. I recognize that every one has the right to Life, Liberty and the Security of the Person (Canadian Bill of Rights S.C. 1960, c. 44). I am a man and I waive the BENEFIT of the Ontario Change of Name Act (R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER C.7). I have a legal person and that person, which I do not own, was created without my consent. I am not HIS MAJESTY AND AN ORGANIZATION. I am the SOLE AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR and lawful holder in due course for the legal name, and I am not lawfully entitled to the benefits of a birth certificate [PPSA 772081713]. The GOVERNMENT is the SOLE SIGNATORY PARTY on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, with SOLE AND FULL SURETY as TRUSTEE for the LEGAL NAME. This profile is Public Notice and meets the legal requirements therein. No commerce expected or implied. I affirm that I have no intent to commit suicide by cop or by any other method. I affirm that I no longer wish to buy any public debts created for the LEGAL NAME and wish to administrate such debts using the security right for complete discharge, as is my right to do in accordance with the laws as currently enacted by the Financial Administration Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-11) and/or the Financial Administration Act (R.S.O., 1990, c. F-12), and the Bills of Exchange Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-4). NOT MY DEBT
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I RESERVE ALL RIGHTS and affirm the following to be true. I recognize that every one has the right to Life, Liberty and the Security of the Person (Canadian Bill of Rights S.C. 1960, c. 44). I am a man and I waive the BENEFIT of the Ontario Change of Name Act (R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER C.7). I have a legal person and that person, which I do not own, was created without my consent. I am not HIS MAJESTY AND AN ORGANIZATION. I am the SOLE AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR and lawful holder in due course for the legal name, and I am not lawfully entitled to the benefits of a birth certificate [PPSA 772081713]. The GOVERNMENT is the SOLE SIGNATORY PARTY on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, with SOLE AND FULL SURETY as TRUSTEE for the LEGAL NAME. This profile is Public Notice and meets the legal requirements therein. No commerce expected or implied. I affirm that I have no intent to commit suicide by cop or by any other method. I affirm that I no longer wish to buy any public debts created for the LEGAL NAME and wish to administrate such debts using the security right for complete discharge, as is my right to do in accordance with the laws as currently enacted by the Financial Administration Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-11) and/or the Financial Administration Act (R.S.O., 1990, c. F-12), and the Bills of Exchange Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-4). NOT MY DEBT