I BLOCK CRYPTO TRADING WHORES...I check my subs frequently dont spam my cult you fucktards... about me : Male, he, him, this fucker here, Boomer II (on the xer cusp), egyptology, heathen savage, Omnivore,Vegan troll, Memeshitposter, Bad Dad, Punisher.
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
~Calvin Coolidge~
I read allot, tatted up with something that meant something and disappeared for awhile. All I saw was pain, All I felt was loneliness. Then I found my way home and made a new pile of mistakes one right after another until I found good worn leather boots that made me feel at home, and not alone but grounded and comfortably happy/content. Dharma Bum with Frankenstein stitched heart, old dead eyes that glimmer at the sight of the Bride of the Monster
About Me:
Father of 4 daughters, Grand Father of 7 Grand Children, Amateur Photographer (Nature, Our Travels, Abandoned Spaces, Graveyard Fascination), Traveler/Wanderer, OSR (1e D&D, BX D&D, Old School Essentials) DM & Player
@DM_Beezulbubb on Twttier
Freethinker, scout, hobby photographer and puppet theater actor and director.
Original content. Nature photography.
You might support my work at www.patreon.com/Tesilovo
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I am an enigma.
A contradiction in terms.
I am two extremes who've met in the middle, and split apart.
I am the calm before my storm.
I am my own best friend, and my own worst enemy.
I am my own healer, and also my own personal hell.
Only I can make me, or break me.
I am the wizened crone, in the mind of the maiden.
I am a brilliant star in a dark universe.
I am a comedian in a world that hates to laugh.
I am the caring nurse that forgets self care.
I am the prophet who sees the future in the past.
I am the voice of words already spoken.
I am the poet of things yet thought.
I smile through tears..
I cry with joy.
I fix all the others while falling apart.
I am everything no one else is, was, or ever will be.
Wore out and broken, but built better every day.
I am the student teacher..I am here to learn what I already know and teach what I'm learning.
I am an enigma.
But then, so are you.
just another seeker in poetry, religion, and the paranormal...finding love sometimes and conversation.
I am also a practicing Dudeist Minister...
'Mix the holy beverage;
Embrace the rug that ties the room together.
Your arms and legs will rise and move;
Then return to rest,
All while sipping a Caucasian,
You'll be there, man,
Totally unspoiled.
A reading from The Dude De Ching...