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Woman who accused John of God cult leader of rape mysteriously kills herself at Spanish home

Ally FortisFeb 6, 2019, 1:36:12 PM

Sabrina Bittencourt, 38, was reportedly 'living under protection' in Spain after receiving death threats.

Eldest son Gabriel Baum confirmed her death, writing on Facebook: “She took the last step so that we could live. They killed my mother.

More than 600 women have accused John of God - real name Joao Teixeira de Faria - of sexually abusing them during so-called healing sessions.

He was arrested in his homeland of Brazil in December and remanded in prison before being charged with rape and sexual assault.

The cult leader gained international fame in 2010 when US TV star Oprah Winfrey visited his retreat to interview him for her talk show.

She wrote she left feeling “an overwhelming sense of peace”, although she later deleted the comments and has since said she hopes justice is done.

Teixeira de Faria’s claims of healing powers brought people from around the world to his compounds in the small town of Abadiania.


Bill Clinton and supermodel Naomi Campbell are rumoured to be among the high-profile celebrities to have visited the 77-year-old.

Mrs Bittencourt, 38, who was "living under the protection" after receiving death threats, claimed Teixeira de Faria ran a “sex slave farm.”

The mum-of-three claimed young girls were held captive to produce babies to be sold on the black market before being murdered.

She was quoted as saying: “Hundreds of girls were enslaved over years, lived on farms in Goias, served as wombs to get pregnant, for their babies to be sold.”

Mrs Bittencourt said she had received reports of the newborns being sold for up to £40,000 in Europe, USA and Australia.

She added: “These girls were murdered after 10 years of giving birth. We have got a number of testimonies.”

Announcing her death Vitimas Unidas said: "(The) group announces with regret the death of Sabrina Bittencourt, which occurred around 9pm on Saturday in Barcelona.

“The activist committed suicide and left a farewell note explaining the reasons why she took her own life.

“We ask you all not to try to contact her relatives. Two of her three children are still not aware of what happened and their father, Rafael Velasco, is trying to protect them.”

People forget that he was featured on Oprah Winfrey Show and she promoted his as doing good work. She didn't even tried to see if his work is genuine or is something else hidden.

Even Discovery Channel made a documentary calling him the "Miracle Man"...ops...Discovery owns a part of OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) and they approached her to create the OWN network to replace Discovery Health.

All the media mention Sabrina Bittencourt's suicide note, but there's no note and not a single quote from her note. If we look back to the history many suicides were actually crimes masked as suicide. So we can't exclude the option of Sabrina being murdered because the media don't say how she killed herself. If would have been a real suicide they would title that "she hugged herself" or "she shot herself", etc, but none of this is mention.


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