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Game Reviewers

MindsGaming Community Oct 12, 2017, 2:18:02 PM

It's on Like Cuphead!


CupHead is starting to really open gamers eyes and I am loving it!

Lets start off by saying that cup head is probably the most addicting game I've played in the last 10 years.

With its throwback hand drawn cartoony 30's art, This action packed game with real boss battles is making gamers want to toss their controller at the T.V again!


That's right a game that makes you have a sense of achievement that you actually beat a level, and it's driving game reviewer's crazy!


Face it game reviews have gone way downhill in mainstream game review sites for years with reviewers walking through the game and jotting down the key points and the main break downs and errors in the game.

Almost every mainstream review covering the same things, asspects and general storyline of the review.


It seems that a hard game is just not renewable by most the mainstream game outlets bringing reviews back to the gamers.

I can only hope that more games like Cuphead come to our local system for the dedicated gamer, enough walk throughs making game company's and game reviews and outlets money, and have you buying a game the next  week.

What happened to the dedicated gamers, The reviewers that did it for the love of the game not for the money our quick dollar?


I'm glad the game reviews are coming back to the real gamers that play the game for the love of the game not to make a quick buck from walking through and picking out key aspects.

Keep up the trend! Where is your review??!