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Saudis and Western Allies Use Cholera To Kill Civilians In Yemen

basil_hallwardAug 2, 2017, 6:00:58 PM
#war #chemica #biological #weapon #SaudiArabia #Yemen
Chemical/biological warfare is the term used to describe the use of chemical or biological agents as weapons to injure or kill humans, livestock, or plants. Chemical weapons are devices that use chemicals to inflict death or injury; biological weapons use pathogens or organisms that cause disease. Pathogens include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins (poisons produced by animals or plants).
 US US Library of Congress, Science Reference Services

 While war raged in Syria under the full glare of media saturation coverage (though it has to be said what was reported was carefully controlled) and huge swathes of Syria's largest cities were destroyed by ISIS shelling and NATO bombing until Vladimir Putin, frustrated by the ineffectual efforts of the western powers against the terrorists, recruited ground support from Iran and supplied the air strakes that helped the Assad regime (a nasty tyranny to be sure, but a secualar nasty tyranny that respected the rights of Syrian Christians, Jews and Yazidi to exist,) another, even more destructive war has been going on in the middle east, largely ignored by media and politicians in the developed world.

Since March 2015, the United Nations, NATO and mainstream media has looked the other way as   Saudi Arabia and its allies among the predominantly Sunni Muslim nations of the Islamic world waged a  criminal war of aggression against Yemen, one of the worlds poorest nations. War crimes are being committed on a daily basis, especially against civilians, as hospitals, water supplies, sweage systems and other essential infrastructure is targeted.   The 25 million residents of Yemen  are now suffering a cholera epidemic which, having already claimed more than 400,000 victims is being described as the biggest outbreak since records began. Cholera is caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholera and has been weaponized by the US and Japan (in World War II), South Africa (under apartheid), Iraq (under Saddam), and other states. Cholera is spread through contaminated water supplies and with raw sewage spilling from broken pieps and mixing with water leader from destroyed mains is rife throughout the country . 

With no medical supplies getting through as the western powers, which third world nations usually look to in times of humanitarian crisis, afraid to act for fear of incurring the wrath of the world's largest crude oil supplier,  the population of about 25 million has almost no protection against the spread of the disease.

This may not literally be biological warfare (illegal under international law, but it is de facto if not de juris biological warfare.  And this atrocity has been inflicted on one of the world’s poorest countries,  across two American administrations, two british governments and two French governments with no word of protest from any of those nations. In fact the slaughter of civilians has been increasing in recent months, as the Saudi monarchy has lurched from religious fundamentalism to Islamic extremism.

The United Nations to remains silent in the face of Saudi humanrights abuses, not only against Yemenis but within its own borders. Few in the media or politcs seem to care about the deliberate spread of a toxin that affects mostly children and that “causes a person’s intestines to create massive amounts of fluid that then produces thin, grayish brown diorrhea.” A program on bioterror put it, “because cholera is readily treated with proper medical attention, it is less likely to be used as an agent of terror against the west.” And since rehydration is essential to recovery, cholera is most effectively deployed in a place like Yemen where the water and sewage systems have been bombed into a state of high lethality..

There are laws against all this, not that it matters much these days ...

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