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The essence of reality?

Observer1Jul 27, 2017, 7:55:40 PM

what are numbers?  How did they develop? What do they express? When did they appear?

throughout human history there have been moments that can be pointed out as humanities' most significant turning points. The first one, is the development of agriculture, the first agricultural revolution. The first agricultural revolution is defined as the moment in history when humans gained the ability to manipulate nature in such a way that they could produce food. This ability relieved human beings from dedicating most of their existence to finding food to survive enabling them to dedicate more time and resources to the process through which agriculture developed: Thought.

As time passed humanity observed and meditated on what was going on, and so they started developing a trading system. For example, some one wanted wheat and he had grain to spare, and a neighbor wanted the grain and so had wheat to spare, they could make a trade that would satisfy them both, perfect! But how much would they trade for how much? Well, this is when humanity started developing concepts through which they kept track of their trading. This concepts, were the first numbers.  However, the numbers were only used for keeping track of good's quantities and value.  Their use was purely arithmetic.  

At some point, as families developed into societies, some one noticed something interesting. At the place where he was he saw all of his surrounding environment, and if he moved somewhere else his environment would change! If so, than all of his perceived environment was not all of the existent  environment.  So how vast was all the environment? For all he knew it could be infinite! And so he wondered, if there is infinite existence, could there be infinite non existence?  If there is such a thing there must be a way to express it as concepts. And  so there were added two concepts to the arithmetic system through which physical entities were expressed and tracked by conception, this new concepts were called infinity and zero. Infinity expresses the concept of everything under the assumption that existence is potentially infinite. Zero expresses the concept of nothing through the assumption that non existence is potentially infinite as well. And so began the game of creating abstract concepts and their transition through abstract dimensions that came to be known as mathematics. 

So numbers gained two main dimensions, the arithmetic dimension which is the quantification of physical entities through abstract concepts represented by numbers. And so, the mathematical dimension which expresses anstract entities through abstract concepts represented by variables and/or numbers.

So what is 1?

The arithmetic meaning of "one" : The concept that expresses the quantity of a single physical entity as this entity may be defined, for example "one"rock.

The mathematical meaning of "one": The concept created through the necessity to limit infinity in order to express infinity though perceiveable entities thus making "one" the first perceived and expressable entity. All following concepts expressed by numbers are a limit of infinity that exppresses a different aspect of infinity, numbers are ordered in order to clearly express and understand infinity.

Ultimately, the mathematical and arithmetic meanings of each number are different expressions of different entities through different conceptions of these. Concepts can be represented by numbers which are symbols. And so, language like numbers, is a different kind of representation and arrangements of the  concepts that express reality through our perception. So, if all languages, like numbers,  are actually based upon one principle which  also manifests the expression of the perception of reality, than what is this principle?  The  principle is the polarized duality that manifests the picture of reality that is perceived by a variety of individuals. Hegel, a german philosopher defined a synthesis as the product of the conciliation of a thesis and and antithesis. For example a thesis that states "reality is infinite" and  the anti thesis " reality is finite" create a synthesis through conciliation, and so the synthesis would be " reality is infinite and it's perception of it what makes it seem finite". The picture of reality is the product of the principle of polarized duality. The picture is analogical to the synthesis and the principle  is analogical to the conciliation of a thesis and an antithesis. And so, the  expression of reality  manifests as different arrangements of concepts developed by an  individual or a collection of individuals who processed a perception and translated it into a  concept thus creating a  collection of concepts used  as different dimensions of languages and different languages altogether.  A dimension of language is set through the collection of concepts that expresses perception. There are collective dimension of language as there are individual ones. Collective dimensions are the platforms upon which social interaction takes place when each platform is shaped through the individuals that make part of it.  That's how society is shaped, people share their perceptions through commonly defined concepts through which they  create different dimensions of meaning so that they shape a collective reality through the collection of individual perceptions called language.  Now, the individual dimensions of language form through the processing of perceptions done by the individual thus being expressed by his language.

If such a principle does exist, than aren't ideologies different collective dimensions of language created through the same principle by the same creature known as human? If so, than the fact that someone is part of a different dimension of language makes him dangerous and agressive? Maybe, but that is only if he is so into  that dimension that he has lost the ability to notice that a dimension of language  is only one of many dimensions that we create to express what we perceive as reality. So what would it be like to regard different cultures, religions, ideologies, systems etc...  as just different dimensions of the same reality?  I wonder...