News, Health, etc.
Supporting the research done by:
The American Intelligence Media conclave
Corey's Digs
SGT Report
X22 Report
Amazing Polly
You Are Free TV
Natural News
And We Know
The Common Sense Show
Exposing the Deep State
Identifying the Swamp creatures
Progress in restoring the Republic
If you question my posts as to whether or not they reveal truth, keep in mind that it is your own personal responsibility to do your own research and make your own determination.
What is truth? Do any of us have the truth? During our life time each has to question everything and move on in personal search for what we want to experience and draw into our reality that keeps us moving in eternal growth. On and on.................
Adam Hisle - The aim of the art on this blog is a real attempt to save this world from eternal darkness. The art I share anywhere has always been for entertainment purposes only.
Hey there! I’m a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. I love to read and write, with a particular fondness for sci-fi, memoirs, and fantasy. I’m also a dancer, a collector of books, and have a knack for memorizing things (though I’ve lost my mind a time or two!). Oh, and I’m a pink alien at heart with a healthy dose of optimism.
While small talk isn't my strong suit, I’m a friendly soul and these days, I’ve even got an ordination certificate from Dudeism!
When it comes to writing, I focus on the world around me, and my fiction and fantasy shorts have had me thinking about bending reality. I once produced, directed, and wrote over 30 short films in just a few weeks—because why not?
Joined #Minds on 08-13-2018
If you wish to support my channel by sending crypto instead of Minds tokens (which are always welcome) please send using one of the following coins and THANK YOU for your support!
ETH - 0x1AB17fee582cAf3A5db13df0Ef0551B9529a7989
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Linked stories are for your consideration - I never endorse anyone's opinion but my own. All my writings are well researched; particularly stories pertaining to the environment, renewable energy, military science and bicycling.
Note: As a former American soldier, I don't take sides in international conflicts and try to be objective.
I share and remind topics and articles I find interesting. I may not agree with all points of the articles or videos that I share, but nevertheless see it as worth discussing. I believe in the Constitution of the United States and our Bill of Rights. I believe in the freedom of and for the individual. I believe in the absolute right of the individual to protect their lives, the lives of their kin and property. I believe in our God-given (whether you believe or not) human rights for all. I do not believe in extra or special rights or protections for anyone. This always leads to problems or a form of subjugation for those outside this special or "protected" class. I am for everyone being free to pursue their own livelihoods without other people or governments stepping in.
The only legitimate purpose of a valid government is to keep the shared interests of its citizens maintained and to protect our rights, property and freedoms. The government should NEVER be used to try to force views or thoughts onto its citizens, nor to silence them. I am usually polite and often enjoy a discussion with others, regardless of whether or not I may agree with you on everything. As long as what you are fighting for does not impede my freedoms, I may even change my mind from time to time.
Being offended is a neutral state for everyone except the person who is offended. If you are offended, you can learn to accept it, choose to ignore it, find a different path or reaction, or work to improve the factors involved; you may not change others to try to make them fit your perception of the correct way to do life. For your sake, if you are easily offended or can't live with the idea that others disagree with you, Grow Up. That is all.