Beauty Boss

Come & window shop on my channel!!! If you find something you like, You can shop 24/7 at my online store And ship it to you!!! If you want to start your own business, I can help you!!! Email me or click any link below!!! Thank you!!! ❤️ Jazz I am a proud Independent Avon Representative. Recently promoted to Avon Promoter! Email [email protected] Online shop Join my team!!!
RealNewz247 is Independent Alternative News Without A Political Biased, Its Not about Left or Right its About the News Plain and Simple, For more information about this channel please contact us at [email protected] Support our work: PayPal Donations Buy Me a Coffee Cash App$ericerblive Venmo Have a pitch? Email us at [email protected]
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Welcome Everyone!!! Especially you Ladies!!! Hearth & Brew is an old fashion radio show for Ladies!!! We will be discussing anything & everything that effects & affects women!!! Join me around my Hearth!!! Grab up your favorite Brew!!! We will be discussing some hard hitting subjects, as well as fun & easy subjects!!! For me, what makes Hearth & Brew special & unique is the witchy side!!! There will be episodes discussing the issues Ladies run into being a Solitary to coming out of the broom closet!!! There’s usually a sprinkle of magic in every episode!!! Looking forward to being able to have you join in the discussion!!! Naturally this channel is to compliment the YouTube channel & gives us another way to communicate with each other!!! Sincerely, Hearth & Brew
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Unusual Suspects
I’m just a baby witch 🌻
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Jul 2019
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