I'm JUST SOME GUY™ Nobody important. Nothing to see here. Move along. To those who were watching me in 2008; Yes you really did see me do it. If you are still watching, you see that it was just a piece of something MUCH bigger that you don't fully grasp yet, but you know it will change EVERYTHING. So why am I not "famous"? I DON'T WANT TO BE! To want such a thing is madness, and I've seen what your kind do to the famous. You all have a preconceived notion about what the "famous" should be, and I am NOT that. To those who DID listen, I revel in your success. It genuinely gives me happiness to see you succeed. Use it to pay the debt you owe me. There's TRILLIONS of dollars worth of free shit just waiting to be exploited. Take what you need and give the rest to everyone. Show others what I showed you, and NEVER charge money. You can make your own money now, so there is no need to take it from others. Show the world how to BE more. Make sure everyone knows where you learned it. (Worthy people are my "marketing")
Everything Minds and everything tech. Help and support; power-using tips and tricks to make your life on Minds an awesome experience! Check us out on Matrix: https://app.element.io/#/room/#minds-community:matrix.org. #mug #mindsusergroup #mcosi #minds #user #support #tech #tips #tricks #hacks
DISCORD CHANNEL: https://discord.gg/gdp2XkDunF Telegram: https://t.me/bf2142_ROGUE_SUPPORT GAMESPY closed on June 30th, 2014. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GameSpy#Shutdown ] This means BATTLEFIELD 2142 DIED TOO! :( We are keeping it alive. BATTLEFIELD 2142 - Status update http://bf2142.cdd.com = Stock Co-op with our enhanced AI http://bf2142.roguesupport.com = the ROGUE SUPPORT Modification These projects are now ALPHA/Testing stage. More to come.
For the discussion of the Minds project and stack. https://developers.minds.com/docs
Upload Your Original Gaming Videos And Be Rewarded For It! Group Rules: - No flooding (Max 3 posts a row for non-uploaded) - You may also post your favorite gaming videos from other sites, tube listings only. (10 non-uploads a day) - Gaming videos Only! --- Community Chat Room: https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#GamerTube:minds.com --- Community Website: https://mindsgaming.glitch.me This group is moderated you can report with the community if you feel you have been banned by mistake or wish to make amends tag an admin in the chat room. --- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report my users in this area follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from my that user immediately and leave this area, this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms --- #MindsGaming #Gaming #GamerClan #Gamertube #Saturday #Live #Game #gaming
Frog posting and frens Please don't Fedpost. Non-frens stay away!
Aug 2016
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