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tonight the snow came.. wonderful and white.. yet cold and causing me pain.. my book will be lost and lost again to find a map and get out of here.. Ender the pirate sailing towards the dreadful sea realized that the cook was burning water gain and he should be concerned. What is the crew to eat? Where will the dishes be stored if the water is on fire.. And if the boat is to be dreadfully used in the dreaded sea what was to happen to the duck?

A good book.. one that can take you places while being tortured with passion on levels that only the mind can or could understand. so much reading to do so little effort to try. at least i can start some paths for future people. the kids are starting to be interested in chess, and writing.. i just need to find their wonder for book reading and they too will escape.. and nothing or no one will hold them back in this life.. you may push me to stumble you may cause me pain but i shall life where stars and dreams are made and you can have this life.. for i will be forever free.. come black skimmer lets leave this world for a bit..

Sliding into reading again.. humor life is to come to ahead in a few more weeks. What to do.. live and let live.. yes.. to ensure the family is together.. yes.. cast off duck the black skimmer will sail for the isles of insanity yet again.. a quick stop off some place where tales, and stories are free and allowed without judgment.. humor how life is sometimes..

first there is holy or g*d or what you have as the creator of everything..

he sets about creating this is this and that is that...

then he knows the future as well as the past.. he writes it into a book which he shows to adam his first goleum..

then from there life happens and we end up here in a rented apartment trying to figure out.. if this is this and that is that .why am i here because i have nothing to do with that , and this well this is this and i am here but really i could do better else where..

hereafter great movie..

evil residence 3d- okay

red good

easy a- meaning to think about what it is life has become

legend of -- humor similar to all evil good plots..

life as a play more then enough at present..

to wash clothes is good, but to watch vengeance, write, and donate blood to red cross..

theme for this life.. what happened.. i should be better then this..

now i understand ..

hereafter made me cry..

great movie..

evil residence 3d made me read how to survive an zombie guide..

easy a- made me realize people have lost the meaning of what the origianl book was about..

red made me realize we are softer then others.. just a bit more grown up then the past.. meaning comparing rate of crime, losses in stock market, loss of homes.. i believe in the attitude that i have seen.. we will survive...

vote on tuesday

When you realize I read and wrote this on a Zachariah world and now I am on a Zechariah world the oddity of changes within a bible is wild and scary.

i miss several people..

so to them..

mr. jordan was attending a holiday that is celebrated by the jews.. his thoughts of the cycle of life will be missed..

mr. fraser was attending a british book reading on history.. his stories of one genral flashman will be missed.

mr. asprin was attending a monster party... his stories of dragons, wizards, and myths will be missed..

what will i be missed for.. i wander into bookstores and see what is there is to read.. and wonder whether mr card's new series will be worth reading..

peace what is it you will be noticed when you are gone .. and what do you wish to be noticed about..

people of course reading this and that.. realize that i should copy and paste this from that and write it as a book..

my response to this as that is why..

can you not get a new feeling from reading up and down and back and forth to some level where you might enjoy a new story..

people of course reading this and that.. realize that i should copy and paste this from that and write it as a book..

my response to this as that is why..

can you not get a new feeling from reading up and down and back and forth to some level where you might enjoy a new story..

so to gain and loss- fighting chance means to accomplish something great then hide for negative to blow over-- umm.. or continue to do something more than other with the expectation of evil adding up till something big blows up.. so that explains all the movies where climax happens a negative kicks in right after something good has happened. Truth is being told over and over again now just to figure out what good climax to do – so that the negative can happen and then reality or life happens without such lottery expectations..

what the humor- in exchange of trying something new- expectation should be something old should happen.. what does this mean; if you have a heart quest only one can win.. unless you accept a family relationship of more than one.. so then only so much can be expected then. meaning everything trends to a normal.. but what is normal when you have an imagination? this means trending to fantasy brings more opportunity into ones life? or experience trends to give person a no thank you experience?

so this explains why you hear about group of people winning loteries more often than individuals. rationale i guess is that you are randomizing a group of people with numbers to win versus one person ideals of winning a lottery.. so anyone want to go in a my lottery investment fund.. no returns promised just a chance to win..

what is your dream.. to star in star trek? to get in on the next star wars movie or book, to exchange time of wheel characters or battle the real world battles now a days ? just being, does that make you a red shirt?

Sail away sail away.. Ender is off with his friend a duck, bear, and what is new a unicorn for his daughter.. anyway sipping tea and leaving towards a peaceful sleep.. more tea.. soon the parting shall begin.. humor to go back and time and live the life i should as i shall.. fleeing love is always better then being caught in a fierce battle of voices for something that is not surely the reason for argument over the centuries- why you being so mean.. in fleeing this week ender has decide to run away with a good book.. the issues being the word good.. what was good, and what is good now being redefined by time and location.. how i wish for some good wine..

I have started giving books away.. yes. i know that means the end is near.. but life is dear and well there is hope it goes on.. the fun is in what form... energy is energy just skinned covered energy.. to be a seed or a smoke.. to be or not to be is a question of this seed.

Love is the wine of life

And marriage is the morning after.


I would advise a young man to pause

Before he takes a wife;

In fact I see no earthly cause

Why he should not pause for life.


Here’s to the woman! –ah that we could fall into her arms

Without falling into her hands! -Bierce


A pipe, a book, a fire, a friend,

A stein that’s always full,

Here’s to the joys of a bachelor’s life,

A life that’s never dull.

On the dock was pretty quiet. There was no particular noise that would disturb the silence, except for the cheerfully voices coming from The Sea`s Beast; an ordinary café shop where all kinds of creatures would meet. It was pretty famous and pretty handy too, when it was about a nice drink and some wasted time talking nonsense. But for Red Beard it was all right; he had no issue with the local`s low fame. As a matter a fact, he would even enjoy it, as here he was free to meet whoever he would want and to do whatever who would want. The place was allowing this perfectly and his looks would fit in here too. He was pretty fat, with a big belly ahead of him. His long hair and also beard was brownie colored, but it was not the classical brown but rather a redder one, as the brick. This is the reason for which he was known as Red Beard and everyone would call him this way but his real name was Harry Blackmore. He also had a big black hat on his head and some dirty clothes one him. But neither this was an issue for him; not at all. He was more concerned about something else now, something that was indeed important: his friend Lullaby, the unicorn. They were to meet here but as usual, Lullaby was getting late and this would easily make Red Beard angry.

“Bloody unicorn…! You are late again!” Thought he, while taking another gulp from his beer and looking at the clock on the wall. It was 9 PM and still no sign of the unicorn.

“Hey, Maloney, bring me another beer, will you?” Said Red Beard to the bar tender.

“Yes, right away Red Beard” Replied he. It was an Octopus, dressed up quite funny with a blue jacket and had a blue scarf around each tentacle of his. He was very efficient; with some of them he would serve the clients and with some of the tentacles he would easily wash the glasses, dust off or clean the counter. Maloney was a funny octopus too and would make great jokes with his clients. After several seconds, Harry received his ordered beer.

“Thank you, Mal”

“With most pleasure, Red Beard” Replied the octopus and would return to the other activities of his.

Finally, while wanting to drink from the beer, Harry saw Lullaby entering the door. Harry was pleased to see him but wouldn`t show this as he wanted to adopt an angry attitude toward the unicorn.

“Hey Harry, how are you? So great to see you!” Said the unicorn while taking a seat on the chair.

“Spare it, Lullaby. You are late again! When will you stop doing that? You know it`s making me nuts when you come late!” Said Harry.

“I apologize Harry, it was nothing planned, I assure you. It`s just that I`ve met this sweet girl while I was coming here and we started chatting and time flew away. This is all” Replied the unicorn.

“Well, should have known that your reason for getting here late is a girl. Why didn`t I thought about that?” Said Harry.

The unicorn smiled.

“Next time you`ll know better” Said Lullaby.

“Next time maybe you`ll actually come here timely. Would surely love that” Added Harry.

“All right, all right, message received. Will do so, Harry”

“Thank you, this is mostly appreciated, Lullaby” Replied Red Beard, teasing a bit. “We have important matters to take care of and firstly, we have to assure our places on The Black Skimmer”

ah to dream of a wishing star..

On thinking and the labors of today

Pinky: Careful, Brain. I sprained a muscle.

The Brain: You mean the one in your head?

Pinky: Exactly! It was last week when I had that idea. What was it again? Aaah! I did it again. Zort!

Pinky: But Brain, how ever will we get to the wishing star first?

Brain Mouse: Simple, Pinky. With the help of the great Leonardo DaVinci.

Pinky: He is going to give us a ride there in his pant cuffs?

Brain Mouse: No Pinky. DaVinci is dead.

Pinky: Oh, how sad. When's the funeral?

Brain Mouse: He died a long time ago.

Pinky: And I forgot to send flowers

well, that is how we have met watching pinky and the brain at the tea shop.. i know i know you could not keep your eyes off me.. you don't look bad yourself but I must say I am handsome .. meaning i have two hands.. lol.. anyways green tea and yours i would think was something orange tea or fruity.. anyways how are you doing and next time I get to pay for my own tea..

Where does one look for insight? The internet, newspapers, books, television, reports, conversations, churches, all of them have become useless to the point of blah... What can be done to ensure one is following the correct path? Which path or what path to follow to an end to a meaningful life or to a great life with meaning in this life? What meaning will life have for those that care, are kind, and find that the path in life is not straight and narrow, nor wide and bumpy? Be good is all I hear. I hope I am.

after watching word.. realization instead of moving i should have written a book. the book.. reality watch it bite you in the bun.. humor how life is going along and then you discover you ucked up life.. life is something funny to be in.. so the kids and wife come in tomorrow if american airline lets them into miami.. what a life to live.. where is life to look at.. to discover you should have done.. that is what life about... afraid that life is not what you should have done but you keep still doing what you want to do..humor life is not what you want.. why what to do.. write.. so this is a story.. there once was a farm kid living in the flatlands of fallon valley outside of glendive area... this is difficult to tell so i shall start slow.. there once was a dog named teddy bear a big black lab.. funnest time of my life bucket calves moving them between irrigation ditches in the middle of no where montana.

Ash*tt.. Well if you need something like these drugs; you have not read enough books... for mind alternating ideas just read... and read some more then go outside and pick up someone else mess, and give a dollar to the guy whose sign says" let’s be honest my UFO broke down and I need money to fix it" Han Solo or that’s my boy...

As for pirate stories there was one about Ender sailing away from the dock... Ender the pirate realized with terror he had forgotten his receipt on cookie dough an spiced chicken... noted for this was how he got his current wife... his chicken is famous in certain parts of Bolivia. The pepper and cup of sugar being part of the list of ingredients for a romantic sort of chicken i.e. sort of poor man KFC style. Anyways without the book Ender was getting nervous about being a cook. So instead he toke over the sailing from the bear whose hang over had lasted from 2010 till that very day. The bear gave up drinking once or when the bear found the new activity of cooking. The bear was not such a good cook. He in fact was considered a witch because he could burn water. But that is another story...

The duck taking over the first mate position set the sails and battened down the one hatch was was a door off a ole ice cooler repositioned and used for the purpose of .. well a door of course.. witht hat happening and Ender sailing towards the dreaded sea with a bear magically burning water.. The story went on.. (for those not seeing the humor - burning water-boiling makes water into vapor etc.. I know I know , but sometimes one has to explain) Anyways towards teh dreadful sea they went with the black skimmer sailing on as if this story could go someplace else.. or wishing it would.

Cook was burning water gain and he should be concerned. What is the crew to eat? Where will the dishes be stored if the water is on fire... And if the boat is to be dreadfully used in the dreaded sea what was to happen to the duck

to do, or not to do.. I worry so I go and do.. then I worry more as to how to do.. I worry here and worry there.. to do or not to do..