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Free Self-Improvement (The Small Things) by David Burt a.k.a. Sunu Akkad

SunuAkkadAug 9, 2018, 4:40:44 AM

A lot of ways that are available to improve yourself is actually free.

We live in a day and time that most information is free. Many people are walking around with cell phones in their hands that have internet access. You literally have a library in the palm of your hand. There's no excuse to be ignorant of anything.

In this day and time, we literally have the "Library of Alexandria" in the palm of our hands. Being ignorant of any topic is no excuse.

Taking care of your body through exercise can be done without a gym membership. Any individual can take time out each day to do simple push-ups or sit-ups. Even a simple walk around your neighborhood block is considered good exercise.

Taking care of your physical body isn't being vain or superficial. Taking care of your health is being responsible. Have a healthy pride in your physical appearance.

Just doing small things each day can go a long way.