
Just a guy trying to learn how to blacksmith
#ALL I enjoy all things beautiful. With that said, there is way too much strife, turmoil, bad news, etc. in the world these days, therefore, instead of dwelling on those things all the time, take a few minutes each day to gaze upon the beauty of women to briefly take your minds - no pun intended - off these things for a little while. If you enjoy these pictures consider subscribing to see more daily.
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NRA, 1A, 2A, Truth, 1776, III% , Patriot, Digital Warrior, Unite to Save the Children. Stop the grooming. Stop the Indoctrination. USA🆘USA🆘USA🆘
"Bearing is a supplier of sarcastic satire" - Styxhexenhammer666
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
I am artistic by nature, I didn't choose painting, it chose me. I am in the process of discovering how far I can push the limits of my craft and I am in search of real beauty in painting because I think that it is woefully missing in art today. By this, I consider myself a part of the new counter-culture. I take the time to write about art and my work, because I thinks it's important for people to have both an emotional and intellectual understanding of these works and the events surrounding the art world. From here, I explore color, texture and subject in that order. Thanks for visiting! Don't forget to "Like" and "Subscribe"
Sep 2016
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