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Everyone puts shit here, me I am to lazy... News, memes. and salty shit. Gaming on twitch as well.
I am nothing and nobody. We all have a metasona. It's a projection of who we are and how we represent ourselves. Those who wear masks have a metasona of who they are inside. Those that show a face are fake. I do not exist.
Alex Jones and his team of Infowars reporters are breaking down the electronic Berlin Wall of media control by reaching millions of people around the world - with more waking up every day. Circumventing the dying dinosaur media systems of information suppression, Infowars and the Alex Jones Channel are a beacon of truth in a maelstrom of lies and deception. You have found the tip of the spear in alternative media - Infowars is on the front lines in the battle to reclaim our rights, dignity and our destiny by exposing the control freaks who seek to turn the globe into a prison planet.
I'm a harmless, foul-mouthed, straight-shooting, humble lil content creator on the utoobs. Watch my gameplay videos if you hate yourself. Or if you want to make me smile. ;) Ghost-writer by trade, hip-hop enthusiast and roaming free-spirit.
Unapologetic Cultural Libertarian Sh1tl0rd Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam ___ Veteran of #GamerGate and #ProjectChanology, former ZS loyalist and youtube shitlord. Gamer and Egalitarian. #BlockTheBot High Command. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and shitpost... and I'm all out of bubble gum." Anti-SJW "Community" group: MemeFarmers group: My OCD kicked in recently and I tagged all my relevant posts with various hashtags to make them searchable with one click... #FreeKekistan #PunchItChewie : Sci Fi, Geek and Nerd Culture. Mostly memes, not gonna lie. #justAntiSJWthings : It's how we roll. #writteninbloodcaffeineandnicotine : Things I've written here on Minds that I thought were worth filing in one place. #TheFifthEstateNews: News #likeaboss : Putin Shilling #godemperor : Trump Shilling #malfunctioninghillary : Hating Hillary #SkyrimIRL #DragonageIRL : #Syria : News and Current Affairs #BodyCount : "And you shall know them by the trail of dead." #1984wasnotsupposedtobeaninstructionmanual : The prophecies of the Prophet George Orwell (PBUH) #TakeDownTheMedia : taken from an Andrew Breitbart quote, the MSM is anathema #FakeNews ^related #ThugLife : #freespeechmatters : #youtubeheroes : #JustMassEffectThings : #Messiah : Dune #Prophet : Kurt Cobain #MakeWarhammerGreatAgain:
Watch as I try to not completely trip over my own feet in whatever game I'm currently playing. If you do see me in a game, hope you're on the other team (you're likely safer).
Some guy,real human,not a bot, straight white cis scum.Shitposting and occasional smart-assery.I do not work for the FBI,I identify as a pirate,my pronouns are Arr/Yarr/Matey "Random" group
TastyTuts is here to inspire creative minds, looking to learn Graphic Design, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to bring their imagination to life. Channel:
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Mar 2017
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