Swiss Libertarian
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Libertarian activist since the late 1980s. Very frustrated about how the world is turning into a fascist nightmare...
A group to share information and debate all sorts of topics including philosophy, social topics etc. - the original group had some awesome members
Debating group about cultural Marxism, Censorship, propaganda, the fake pandemic etc. The goal is to find ways to win the Cultural War. This is an open group - join and contribute. Rules: I will only kick out obvious trolls or those whose only contribution is name calling.
A group to discuss Critical Race Theory and other post-modernism, woke and social justice stuff. #criticalracetheory #crt #socialjustice #postmodernism #woke
The orwellian messaging of the media. This group will specifically document orwellian changes in messages published by the media, governments, major organisations and famous individuals and politicians, also on social media etc. Also changes in the definition of terms and the use of language to subtly alter the meaning of their words, the most egregious right now being the change of the definition of the terms "vaccine" and "vaccination".
Topics related to economics and government.
Issues about race, ethnicity, migrations etc. Exposing race baiters who try to exploit identity politics to gain power and money. Supporting those who fight race baiting. Here is an excellent web site by Christopher Harris, whom I've known for over 10 years:
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
The definition of fascism is: "Everything within the State, nothing outside the State". It means government can control every person and every business. The entire economy is managed by the state, which prescribes what should be produced, who can buy and sell goods and to whom. Prices are fixed by government. "Private" businesses are only allowed to operate as long as they submit to government regulations, in complete opposition to every principle of a free market, destroying all the benefits of entrepreneurship. Fascism is inherently and openly anti-capitalist. Traveling or even just moving around in your local area requires permission, under fascism, which can be granted or revoked at the whim of bureaucrats. It can be made dependent on specific papers (or now QR codes). The concept was created by Giovanni Gentile, who identified as Marxist.
Everything about coffee!
We are on the best way to a fascist utopia all too similar to 1984. Censorship is controlled - as in the past - by numerous and ever more governments, but most of all by social media companies that are in theory 'private', but are largely owned by various governments and that impose a fascist censorship that prevents a large number of users from receiving important information.
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Jun 2015
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