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3. What He Learned From A Bully -A Narrator's Story

JamesMay 21, 2019, 2:30:58 PM

Allow the narrator to tell you about a universe’s story like no other.

The door open…

As the man came out pulling his v-neck sweater sleeves over both arms, he tucked the extremities within his thin brown Isotoners.

“The temperature feels good outside” the man in the living room thought; along with a diagnose , “He must be a cold-blooded man at his age always wearing long sleeve shirts.”

“Let’s go,” uttered the old man closing the door to his room.

He walked over and opened the kitchen cabinet picking a nice size pickle jar from the top shelf. No pickles were in that jar, however.

“You know what this is?” He asked.

“Water?” The young man smiled.

The older man, “It’s next to the best thing, because it makes you drink plenty of it.” They both got a kick out of the statements as they walked out the kitchen’s back door.

With the pickled jar filled with clear liquid, and four large canteens in one backpack; while in the other; the night before, they packed ham sandwiches and grapes.

“Why am I carrying both backpacks,” the young man muttered under his breath.

“I heard that,” the older man climbing over the backyard waist high wooden fence said softly.

Once they both were on the other side, walking through the tall wooded area to a trail clearing, then the older of the two said, “Give me the heaviest.”

The young man felt the weight pulling more on his right shoulder, so he lifted the backpack off his left shoulder and gave it to the older man. 

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Copyright James Lynch Jr. POCBOOKS.COM 2019