Helpful Hint.
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Thank you...
I know troubleshooting yourself in the foot
and acting as center of your own universe
is a tricky dichotomy to deal with
but, yes, you ARE the center of the universe.
If you weren't
you wouldn't be here.
So as the middle of space and everything floating in it
it is your job to know
that the emptiness
is just emptiness,
that the stars
are stars,
and that the flying rocks –
fuckin' hurt,
so please
stop inviting walls into wide open spaces.
Girl against feminism and SJWs. Sarcasm and grumpiness in human form. Amateur writer, amateur video maker...amateur everything really.
Youube has gone tits up so moving my stuff here and here -
Magic Women
We Respect Women
Crypto, Bitcoin, Etherum & Token Lover
Daiyli Pics
All gif/images/videos have their respective owners, I am not owner of any of the photos unless stated otherwise. If I have a photo of your authorship on my blog please let me know, I’ll give your credits or remove it.