
Artists blend with all levels of society, and hence are the most dangerous
Hi, I'm the author of the book THE FIRST PEN ON THE MOON, a kid's book that can be found on Amazon.com in Kindle Edition and Paperback.
https://www.cybrink.com Technology / Science / Future
Lover of freedom. Pro-nationalist, pro-freedom, pro-trump, pro-borders, pro-bmw, pro-conservative, pro-gun, pro-capitalism, pro-constitution, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-lbgtqrxz, anti-islam, anti-diversity, anti-sjw, anti-immigration. Conservative concerned about the state of affairs in the globalist-infected, liberal-infested western world which is being overrun by migrant invaders and destroyed by a genocidal globalist plot to destroy western society.
Art Photography Pets/Animals News and whatever else. https://paypal.me/JsArtisticAtelier?locale.x=en_US
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell "That is why the Athenian law maker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy, and that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment. The only business in America specifically protected by the constitution, not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises, and our choices, to lead, mold, educate, and sometimes even anger, public opinion." -- JFK
Hello! πŸ˜‡ My nΠ°me is Holly! πŸ˜‡ I want to mΠ΅et a man fΠΎr lΠΎvΠ΅! πŸ˜™ сhΠ΅ck link - http://bit.ly/2o46BM3 , my nicknΠ°mΠ΅ - righmantcensand1978 😚 I'll wait fΠΎr yΠΎu πŸ’›πŸ˜πŸ˜Š
Sep 2016
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