☕️🇬🇧🏴🌹🏵 English rose Gen X-er. Northern lass now on the South Coast. Hobbyist photographer and gardener. 📸 👩🌾🪴
Avid drinker of tea and reader of books. 🫖 📖
Music lover. ☺️ 🎧
Occasional graphic designer. Also interested in upcycling, dicking about with AI graphics, and home improvement/decor.
Twatter/X: @ rainaphenia
Instagram: @ r_ai_naverse
Czech photographer exploring abandoned places. Anything from the ruins of old castles to rusty remains of heavy industry. I only publish my own original work.
“I believe in God and in my pistols"
-Václav Morávek
Vo|dstar the transcendent ghost of the eastern moon donned in wh|te robes and ra|nbow body coex|stent |n the treasury of l|ght through a t|mespace fork of real|ty hav|ng d|v|ded |nf|n|ty by zero to melt the cha|ns of ouroboros thus choos|ng to |ncarnate through the man|festat|on |n the collapse of potent|al|ty by mak|ng a cho|ce to help others ascend, l|ke you. Other mon|kers: Male; Gnost|c; ex-Sc|entolog|st; Ga|a member; real|ty enthust|ast; futur|st; technolog|st; spiritual|st; ufo enthus|ast; cyber-zomb|e enthus|ast; |n other words - advocate of h|gh we|rdness
Sensitive Content Warning - My posts will contain insensitive material.
Mark Price
Dream Pond: Lost in a world from a dream that never was, or could it be reality in the land of just because?!?
If you are one of the musicians looking for some of the odd ball fingerings I use, it was easier to show than to tell. The vids are under (M1 at the Pond) And (Pa4X at the Pond)
It started in Michigan with music. X-Navy (SteamPunk), Retired Telco, still music. Now it's made in Texas! Rough bits and pieces.
Kind-a Early American Wedding Band with a touch of Twang! Instrumental interpretations, not intended for vocals, mostly.
Tuned to 432hz
"I am what I am, that's all that I am."
Love, Light & Abundance, for all.
Leggermente fuori fuoco
Slightly out of focus
(Robert Capa)
I love Tony Iommi.
NO RELIGION PLEASE. Religions are a symbol of INTOLERANCE: they see themselves as bearers of an absolute, right truth, and that, as such, they cannot live with other truths. And very often they result in xenophobia and racism.
NIENTE RELIGIONE PER FAVORE. Le religioni sono simbolo di INTOLLERANZA: vedono se stesse come portatrici di una verità assoluta, giusta, e che, come tale, non possono convivere con altre verità. E molto spesso sfociano in xenofobia e razzismo.
I'm a slow individual with bad grammar (working on it not really 🤣) who enjoys shitposting, memes, anime,gaming, politics and I might do or say stuff, you don't like but if you grow on me I'll give you dank memes and my autistic takes on stuff 😁 (I sometimes post satire or nsfw so far warning 🧐)
Inventions, Art, Technology, Philosophy, Science ,Real History, Futurism, Paganism, and Science Fiction to spice it all up.
Through the philosophy of ancient Greece, American founders, and wise cultures. Science, art, technology, literature, and a few crazy ideas. I hope to inspire others to:
Build Yourself Today A Better Future.