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Filter user posts from group feeds (script included)

JasonOct 21, 2018, 8:53:54 PM

Are you tired of seeing certain users posts in groups feeds?  I have created the solution until Minds implements this (if they do).  This does not mess with anything on Minds servers.  It simply filters what is shown in your browser.  This works on Chrome. It might work on Firefox. Haven't tested it.

These instructions are for Chrome.

Step 1: 

install tampermonkey to Chrome  (Firefox is greasemonkey)

Step 2: 

Open a tab and click on the tampermonkey icon in the extension bar and click 'create a new script'.  Then go here and copy the script and paste it to tampermonkey.  Should look like this.

Step 3: 

Add names to block:  A few lines down you will see peopleToBlock.  There are 2 examples in there. You can change those and add as many more as needed using that format.  

Step 4

Hit ctrl s to save then close the tab. Reload minds and you are done.  There is a switch in the tampermonkey icon to enable and disable. 

The feeds in a group will now be filtered from the spamming, hateful, anti-american, anti-freedom and annoying user posts you previously scrolled right on past. And best part is they still have their freedom to post whatever they want. You are simply exercising your #rightToFilter 


Check out my other Minds script to hide your posts from your newsfeed.

Any questions hit me up.   

Oh and Pepe is flipping off the spammers, not Minds team.  They are cool.