
HISTORIAN of Modern Europe; Entrepreneur; Bitcoin enthusiast. Please read public disclaimer below! 🙈 🙉 🙊 I post about Bitcoin (BTC), history, economics and politics. PLEASE support my channel by subscribing! THANK YOU! Whenever possible, I aim to share the opinion of experts directly involved in the cryptocurrency space. I try to avoid the standard approach of content creation, which is limited to sharing press articles. I do value the viewpoints of experts more than articles written by journalist who are less experienced and knowledgable. Of course, there are, and always will be exceptions ... PLEASE Support my project! Every Minds Token WIRE, and Ethereum or Bitcoin donation helps me to dedicate more time to this channel, and will be able to bring more content to you! Thank you! :) ETHEREUM ADDRESS: 0x809c7d2816B0385268488Ffe233c1e5e775EA9A6 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 12vpNC3y4nZqJyvdrLFZ2DeuK94ZacAARo PUBLIC DISCLAIMER: It do not own, or claim to own, nor created any of the content I share from other social media platforms. I merely share the opinion of others without commenting on them! Thus, furthermore, anything I share is NOT financial advice. I am not a professional financial or investment adviser, and everyone should do their OWN research when making cryptocurrency and other financial investments. Also, I do NOT necessarily share the opinion of the content creator, whose opinion I share here. My goal is to collect these opinions and share them for the MINDS community in order to facilitate debate and discussion.
Let's support every means to get mankind to space, the world must work together to achieve this task. My channel is to educate and get people excited about space and space travel. I just put the information out there for learning and to debate. All quotes I post are from someone else idea and don't make it my opinion. My channel is about learning and getting other people's ideas out there, everyone's opinions and ideas matter to me, I do not get mad if you don't agree and encourage others different ideas. "LOVE" @Vets "LOVE" @GOD. "Love the people of t "Please Follow my channel, maybe we can learn together and share ideas and views." Let's stop building weapons to destroy man and use Click Subscriber I ALWAYS Support back Donate Bitcoin 1Ca2aZabd8ZG9no41hpwYhywP22c9my1AB ETC Wallet 0xF073cc766fAdc085E1bCb8D56330DC3C7A49A72B ETH Wallet 0x238883E3D1145B46EB35E16Bf446fb1263Fd0F2E LTC Wallet MVHrMw87tsVYfmDmqfTwYxqidgARSZzdfd
Những lời hay ý đẹp về cuộc sống ý nghĩa mà ai cũng nên đọc mỗi ngày là những câu nói hay về cuộc sống giúp cho mỗi người chúng ta thay đổi thái độ, suy nghĩ để cuộc sống này tốt đẹp và có ý nghĩa hơn. Good words about meaningful life that everyone should read every day are good sentences about life that help each of us change our attitude, thinking to make life better and more meaningful.
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Creature of #nerdkind. Breaker of rules #Male #Pureblood #VeteranOfThePsychicWars For all the investing offers, I do all my own stunts and my own investing. To all the grifters, crypto, or i make this much from home scammers, ill block you before you ever get a click or a follower sees it. Losers no one is buying your lies.
I am an inventor, author, blogger, Dream interpreter, researcher, teacher and most of all student of all things. I am a proud introvert, and often too edgy. I've been accused of being stupid, but never being closed minded; I always try to learn something new every day and like a true explorer I always share the most fascinating things I discover, everything I post will likely make you do a double-take if it doesn't just blow your mind, I focus my research on the subconscious mind to explore the deeper components to life.... click subscribe and let's go on an adventure together. I focus my posts on the most interesting and fascinating facts and misconceptions we have in society. My goal is to learn and share something new and interesting every day.
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RV'er, Astrophotographer, Shooter, Welder, Wrencher, Drone Pilot, 3D Printer, Reloader, Biker, Bike Wrencher, Rock Picker, Fisherman, Hunter, R/C Cars, Meat Smoker, Boomer. Libertarian,,, Sort of. Always choose Dangerous Liberty over Peaceful Slavery. 🐫🐰🐐🐷🐄🦌🐕🐔🐟<meateater> Anything posted on this page is not necessarily the opinion or belief of the owner (me). (_8(o) Dohhh! Myths are our History. The Universe is Electric. The Sun controls our Atmosphere. Velikovsky was Right. Do your Research,,,,,, The Second Amendment was created to also protect all the other Amendments, primarily the right to FREE SPEECH... Man Cannot live on Mars, The Solar and Galactic radiation will damage his chromosomes and prevent red blood cells from producing. He. Will. Die.. Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes do not exist, they are things made up by man to make their math work. It's their Philosophy, their Religion. Get OFF my LAWN,,,,,,,,, Unless You Buy me a Beer; P.S. Reminding Is Best. Be A Re-Minder .
Welcome to my Channel here on MINDS! Please take a look at my Posts and be Sure to REMIND any post that you Like as Others may Like it also! Please subscribe to me Here on MINDS .. Subject matter: Alternative Energy Sources, Military Veterans, ChemTrails, UFO's, Vaccines, 322 Skull and Bones, OBE's, NDE's, Ghosts, Fluoride, conspiracies, JFK Assassination, Bigfoot, Art Bell, News Events, Strange Things, Historic Tours and much much MORE! #chemtrails #chemtrailsmn #geoengineering #conspiracy #JFK #UFO #ETB #fluoride #ArtBell #news #topchannel #tesla #nikolatesla #freeeenergy #news #politics #maga #kek #pepe #meme #memes #minds #mindspro #all #everyone @everyone @all *****
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Apr 2018
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