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Is Taking “The Pill” Alright?

Exposing The TruthApr 22, 2014, 8:35:40 PM

Asking the question of whether it is safe to be taking birth control pills yields differing results, depending on the context. Officially, and publicly, according to the US Department Of Health And Services: “Birth control pills are safe and work well in preventing pregnancy. Using the pill means you don’t have to think about birth control when you want to have sex.” But, the issue really isn’t that simple.thepill

The biggest problem, far bigger than the admitted 6% who get pregnant anyways, is that this type of birth control is a willful consumption of an endocrine disruptor, also known as xenohormones, on a daily basis. This probably won’t say much to most people, and to understand it you have to imagine yourself as a cell (bear with me here), and the various chemical messengers floating around you are like the images and sounds you perceive.

Signal molecules help your cells know how to regulate gene expressions (think of this as “how to act”) and these type of chemicals essentially make your cells schizophrenic, so to speak. By influencing gene expression, you are potentially altering an entire range of processes (including DNA methylation), which can have lifelong or even next-generational consequences. If you didn’t know already, essentially all kinds of plastics release endocrine disruptors (into your food or water), especially when under heat or under UV rays. For cities that reuse their waste water, these hormones accumulate and deliver increasingly higher doses (they are not charged and very small: you cannot filter them through osmosis or any normal filter).

When talking about the effectiveness of “the pill”, we don’t also just want to talk about pregnancy. The transfer of disease through bodily fluids (for instance hepatitis, for which ,if you are vaccinated against it at all, you are only vaccinated against less than half the types) is not always curable (for instance in regard to hepatitis, herpes, the deadly Marburg virus, HIV, among others). There are actually a range of viruses which can be transmitted in sperm.

Not to mention the claim that sperm is antidepressant is invalid, and evolutionarily women are designed to be selective (by having fewer eggs and using more resources to develop them). Polygamy is common in species where there is little parental investment in the development of the next generation, and most common in species that have offspring that take longer to grow and need more care. In human societies, lifestyle can necessitate different levels of parental investment.

In an age when people sometimes literally let the TV raise their kids, it should be no surprise that ducks are more monogamous when within an existing relationship than humans in the USA. Your health is your responsibility, and you are also responsible for what you put into the world. I am not telling anyone how to live their life, but in an age when ecological resources are shrinking and the population keeps on rising, there is no shame in using a condom. Of course, there are also vast benefits to meaningful personal relationships and the fostering of real love.

Not having random sex is adviseable for a lot of reasons without even getting into the fact that pornography in its most available form has damaged the average person’s understanding of sexual intimacy. It is probably good to also mention the fact we don’t understand all the interactions of essentially any of the medication being prescribed. But, honestly you are personally responsible for whatever you take (to yourself and your future, not primarily the eyes of the law).

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